Saturday, December 28, 2013

Vitamin D3 in patients undergoing bone marrow transplants

Vitamin D3 in patients undergoing bone marrow transplants

Vitamin D decreases morbidity, mortality and relapse in patients undergoing bone marrow transplants

Filed under: cancer alternative medicine Tagged: bone marrow transplants, vitamin d3

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Vitamin D3 affect acute myeloid leukemia cells

Vitamin D3 affect acute myeloid leukemia cells

This shows the versatiity of Vitamin D3 on AML

Filed under: cancer alternative medicine Tagged: AML, cancer, leukemia, vitamin d3

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Frankincense More Effective Than Chemotherapy in Killing Ovarian Cancer Cells, Study

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Filed under: cancer alternative medicine

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How To Reduce Exposure To Cancer Causing Agents

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Filed under: cancer alternative medicine

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Acupuncture, even when done wrong, can help ease side-effects of cancer drugs

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Gold Coast father defies cancer odds

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Filed under: cancer alternative medicine

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When Will Genomics Cure Cancer?

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Filed under: cancer alternative medicine

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