Filed under: cancer alternative medicine
Treating patients not cancer. No cancer is untreatable, as much as no stubborness is tolerable.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
This is very important for everybody to see. CANCER IS CURABLE
This is very important for everybody to see. CANCER IS CURABLE. Cancer care is a trillion dollar industry. You think they are going to give that up? Yeah right. The advancements in new technology that we see as consumers is incredible. When it comes to secret technology, it is certain that there aretechnological capabilities in existence […]
Filed under: cancer alternative medicine Tagged: alternative medicine, Cancer is big bucks, cancer is curable, Cancer treatment new technology, Dr. Leonard Coldwell stopped by FDA, treatment for cancer
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Orphan Drug For Pancreatic Cancer
Federal Government Attacks Dietary Supplements to Protect Big Pharma
HHS Says Supplements Send 23,000 People to the Hospital ER! Each Year! by Alliance for Natural Health Balderdash. The agency’s own CDC data shows that supplements are overwhelmingly safe. Action Alert! The mainstream media is using a new study funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), released last week, to renew the false charges […]
Health Benefits of Ginger – Prevent Cancer, Inflammation, and More
Ginger truly does top the list of effective natural home remedies. Being used throughout history by different cultures around the world, ginger harnesses an incredible healing power proven for a host of ailments. The spice is packed with essential nutrients and rejuvenating compounds. While ginger has been shown to help countless ‘minor’ problems such as […]
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Red Meat Is Now A Carcinogen : WHO
Our four legged creatures are safe?
Filed under: cancer alternative medicine Tagged: cancer, red meat, WHO
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