Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why must doctors keep pushing cow based milk to cancer patients

I can’t wrap around my head why doctors especially oncologists and nutrition experts keep pushing milk, milk-based products such as Ensure ( Ensure youre cancer cells are happily fed) as a supplement for nutrition. 

They all should know milk has been implicated as a cause from breast to prpstate cancer. As reported by Dr. Greger, studies have shown milk activates TOR pathways which accelerates aging, cancer growth. 

Filed under: cancer alternative medicine

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Why must doctors keep pushing cow based milk to cancer patients

I can’t wrap around my head why doctors especially oncologists and nutrition experts keep pushing milk, milk-based products such as Ensure ( Ensure youre cancer cells are happily fed) as a supplement for nutrition. 

They all should know milk has been implicated as a cause from breast to prpstate cancer. As reported by Dr. Greger, studies have shown milk activates TOR pathways which accelerates aging, cancer growth. 

Filed under: cancer alternative medicine