Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Battling with Breast Cancer.. Again

I have been seeing a 65 yr old female with metastatic breast cancer for about a month now. She came back coz the cancer grew back from the MRM. It was growing fast but the patient didnt want to do chemotherapy anymore.

So it was decided that we try homeopathic medicines. After about 1 month or so, seems like the tumor has shrunk to 50% of what it used to be. It certainly surprised me! I didnt thought it would be that fast and effective.

But we'll have to see after a few more weeks.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Mother's Journey

I just came across this site, won the Pulitzer prize.

I'm just so affected I felt the pain and anguish of both the mother and son,

This made my resolve even stronger to help especially these kids who have so much to live for.

I thank the photographer Ms. Byer! I'm sure even you were affected by this~!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Abraham by Ester Hicks

A patient let me borrow her Abraham DVD and i was just blown away with what was in that DVD!!!

After that,I knew I had to learn and listen to what else Abraham had to say. I'm sure a lot of skeptics would say its a show. My piece of advice, dont shoot the messenger, just listen to the messages.

As I was reading it, I was feeling a sense of joy, peace and contentment that I'm not alone in what I feel and how I feel about me, the patients, people in general.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Yesterday, I saw a 5 yr old girl who was diagnosed to have autism. I was amazed and felt the joy not only of the child's but of the dad, mom and nanny's.

All the while I was doing my diagnostics, she was singing and what beautiful voice she had.

I had the most refreshing experience with her. I hope to see more of these kids! They're just fantastic to watch