Sunday, December 19, 2010

Avastin is not for Breast cancer

A new decision has been made by the US FDA disallowing the use of Avastin for breast cancer. This is due to the life-threatening adverse effects of the drug among breast cancer patients.

What happens to those who already endured the side effects of the drug.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why this study is important

The Sympathetic Nervous System Induces a Metastatic Switch in Primary Breast Cancer — Cancer Res

This study shows that at the very least for breast cancer, chronic stress (non-painful stress) can induce cancer cells to become more metastatic. Chronic stress shifts to a "sympathetic predominance." This make the cancer cells "outside" the primary tumor more aggressive.

So really stress is not a good idea for cancer patients.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Down but not out

I'm feeling the blues again. Patient X was admitted due to pleural and pericardial effusion. It was a good thing he was at the right place. Only problem is, he's intubated but fighting.

I pray for his recovery.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Cancer Cells are resistant to angiogenesis inhibitors?

New studies explain how cancer cells 'eat us alive'

This new study seems to say at least 3 things:

1. Its not the cancer that directly causes cachexia, its the stromal cells or fibroblast dying rapidly due to the stress induced by cancer cells.
2. Cancer Cells have mitochondria. In a "normal environment" where cancer cells are present together with the fibroblasts, mitochondria are present. THis is in contrast to cancer cell cultures where cancer cells had no mitochondria.
3. Angiogenesis inhibitors may actually make cancer cells more aggressive in causing cachexia, relapse and metastasis.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Marijuana vs Cancer

Abstract | Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition

I remember one of my patient cooking up marijuana and extracting the oil for his medical condition. He was so afraid someone might recognize the smell and report him to the police :)

Now he can truly say marijuana really works, read your medical journals!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cancer Decisions® - Mistletoe Makes Further Gains - Part II

Cancer Decisions® - Mistletoe Makes Further Gains - Part II

Whats interesting in this study was, they were actually looking at "maybe" increasing chemotherapy drugs was feasible! Hmmm.. so now Mistletoe is like a rescue remedy?

they totaly lost the sight of "maybe" we can use mistletoe instead of Gemzar?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hmm Looks like some Doctors are starting to realize something wrong with the statistics

Looking for efficiency rather than efficacy in randomized controlled trials in oncology — Ann Oncol

After reading this paper, I am glad that someone had the "balls" to really look at how these trials make a big thing with small results. I remember a chemo regimen, forgot which one, where the length of survival was SIGNIFICANTLY longer than the older regimen, but looking at the data, i was surprised the difference was less than 3 months!!!

Is that how we look at the data, 3 months is significant on paper, but in real life?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cancers responding to Healing Frequencies?

Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach

I think this is a very important step towards the integration of the Alternative and the Conventional! If doctors will open up to these possibilities, I feel it will be for the benefit of ALL cancer patients.

You dont lose anything aside from finances( if you are dying, money becomes secondary priority), you won't have any adverse effects. However, it ain't gonna cure you, because as you can see its effect is not immediate.

I hope more studies ike this will come out

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Healing just by our intentions

I am reading now a book by Lynn McTaggart,The Field and it discussed how our intentions can actually influence events.

Its a book about how we are all connected by the "Field" that is present all around us. She compiled and made a book of the advances in quantum physics and medicine. Am sure there are now lot more about the topics she discussed, I just hope that Conventional Medicine catches up and realize that their Newtonian Model of Medicine doesnt quite work in today's Quantum Reality

Reversal of Chemotherapy-Induced Leukopenia Using Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Promotes Bone Metastasis That Can Be Blocked with Osteoclast Inhibitors -- Dai et al. 70 (12): 5014 -- Cancer Research

Reversal of Chemotherapy-Induced Leukopenia Using Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Promotes Bone Metastasis That Can Be Blocked with Osteoclast Inhibitors -- Dai et al. 70 (12): 5014 -- Cancer Research

Wow!!! what a mouthful... So I guess now, everyone on GM-CSF should also be on Zoladex?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Vitamin C to the rescue?

Currently, have 2 patients with stage 4 cancers. Apparently after changing my supplier for the Vitamin C, patients are getting better and better.

Both were in real pain and had difficulty eating. Now both are strong and have good appetite.

All those doubts are being erased.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Nucleolar Changes and Fibrillarin Redistribution Following Apatone Treatment of Human Bladder Carcinoma Cells -- Jamison et al., 10.1369/jhc.2010.956284 -- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

Apatone was granted as an orphan drug for metastatic prostate cancer. I feel this is a very good step where it really shows how cheap drugs or in this case supplement can treat cancer.

Apatone is just vit c and menadione!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Weeks in melancholy

There are days really that you feel this weird sense of sadness or emptiness. I dont even know if its from me or from my patient's point of view.

I was looking and looking for something to read or learn. It felt like I needed to do something, but I dont know what?

And then, it sort of just came to me, its about time to get away for awhile. As I kept reading this quote about looking at this at a distance. Maybe its time for me to distance myself from this space and re-evaluate.

BTW, our center received this special gift from a Kabbalah Center, it was THE book " THe Zohar" Problem is, its in Aramaic!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Cancer as part of evolution

Abstract | Phylostratigraphic tracking of cancer genes suggests a link to the emergence of multicellularity in metazoa

It seems from this study, our genes specifically the cancer genes where in fact already part of the uni-cellular organisms. And as cell evolved to multicellular organism, we also have multiple inherent "gatekeepers" to keep these genes in check.

So what triggers these genes to become active again? hmm I bet Dr. Bruce Lipton can be a good reference to this.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Doubts Remain

Its been hard for me this week, especially since we have been seeing patients, despite all the things we are doing, keeps on deteriorating. I am beginning to question my self already if what I am doing is the "right thing" or is there any other way for us to do it correctly :)

Its like going back to the drawing boards, but different from drawing boards, you cant discard the papers just like that, or in our case, you cant just abandon people who have put great trust in our hands.

So tonight I go back and see where have I missed some things or is it just my ego trying to "think" i can help them, even though I know in the end, its still the person's own journey and we are just bit players or assistants.

Doubts Remain

Its been hard for me this week, especially since we have been seeing patients, despite all the things we are doing, keeps on deteriorating.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Live to Eat or Eat to Live?

I am a bit exasperated with one of my patient who is more wanting to eat rather than to live. He has by the way, Lymphoma and all the work and improvement we had, all went up in smoke because he ate 4 pieces of pandesal.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Stem cells and Vitamin C

Researchers in Guangzhou China have found that vitamin C induces somatic cells or mature cells that are present in all our organs, to become pluripotent stem cells.

Moreover, vitamin C seems to unblock a cell's programming for senescence (or aging) to become a pleuripotent stem cell.

Hmmmm more reason to take those Vitamin c. So now, we can call vitamin C an anti-aging vitamin.

Naltrexone and Alpha Lipoic acid for Pancreatic Cancer

In the latest issue of Integrative Cancer Therapies, a case of 3 patients with pancreatic cancer were treated with intravenous alpha lipoic acid and low dose naltrexone. What's astonishing is that the patients are still alive, 2 of which were already cancer free based on their PET scan.

This is an ongoing trial in a New Mexico Integrative Center.

I hope this study will be more available to all pancreatic cancer patients.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

A wonderful surprise!!!

Yesterday, as I was about to teach a group of MDs, and non-MDs about quantum medicine and healing, I was surprised and honored that one of my professors in my Med school was one of them. Was I intimidated? hmmm at the beginning maybe, but when they were doing the healing stuff, he was just one of them.. dumbstruck at what he was experiencing.

Question is, will this new found experience lead him further to study the Eastern medical philosophy or will it make him stand back and question himself about its validity.

Only time will tell...


Sometimes we feel that we need to hold on eventhough we know that our holding on to a certain person or thing is actually making our lives a little less joyful.

I feel sad that we are about to lose one of the bravest person I have ever met. Even at her death bed, she calmly told us to just give her the morphine and let her sleep, sans the drama. But how can we do that?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sad day

Things dont always turn out the way we want to. For the past 2 days, patient has deteriorated. She has said her goodbyes.

After 3 years of surviving cancer, patient has finally made peace and is awaiting for her return to Oneness.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A breather!

I am taking care of a brain tumor patient right now, she has been sleeping for the last week or so. At last, she has awaken and started eating again! I hope what we are doin is the right now. I cross my fingers and hope for the best!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cancer is Infectious

I remembered when I was young, people would often tell us that you have to be careful not to get infected by cancer. So be careful that their blood don't get into yours.

I told myself how absurd that they can think like this? What in the world were they thinking? How did they ever thought of such things?

And then this study came out, wherein they got the plasma of a cancer patient and they introduced it to "normal" cultured cells, and lo and behold, true enough, the cells transformed into cancer cells. They call it genometastasis.

Cancer is Infectious

I remembered when I was young, people would often tell us that you have to be careful not to get infected by cancer. So be careful that their blood don't get into yours.

I told myself how absurd that they can think like this? What in the world were they thinking? How did in the world,